Fire, Explosion, Dispersion

INERIS is an expert on the identification, evaluation of the risks of fire, explosion, dispersion of pollutants in the environment. INERIS identifies, characterizes hazards through analyzes and tests, can model phenomena and interpret all these data to enable industrialists to control accidental risks, limit damage and their impacts
Our solutions
Application of the ATEX regulations relative to the protection of workers
The objective of ATEX regulations is to improve the health and safety of workers exposed to the risks of explosive atmospheres.
Chemical Process Safety: description of experimental means to characterise thermal runaway
Thermal runaway corresponds to the loss of temperature control of a reaction medium due to an exothermic reaction.
Energetic materials – Explosive, pyrotechnical and chemical products presenting risks of explosion or fire
The “energetic materials” studied at INERIS include explosive products and pyrotechnical articles destined for civil use, chemical products with a more or less risk of explosion or fire, as well as associated activities.
Static electricity
The manipulation of flammable powders, liquids or gases is susceptible of generating electrostatic charges, which can, when they discharge, be the origin of a spark.